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Role Delegation

Athenz supports two types of roles that an administrator can create in their domains: regular and delegated. The regular role just includes list of principals that may assume that role. The delegated type specifies the trusted domain who has assumed the management of the members for that role.

The delegation scenario involves two domains:

  • The "provider-domain" is the domain of the service, where the policies and rules are declared,
  • The "tenant-domain" (a.k.a. "trusted-domain") is the domain in which principals are assigned to the role.

The delegation requires agreement from both domains:

  • The provider-domain administrator specifies a role as "delegated" to a specific tenant-domain.
  • The tenant-domain administrator creates a rule to assume that role and maps it to one if its local regular roles for principal membership.

Definition of required roles and rules

The keywords PROVIDER_DOMAIN, TENANT_DOMAIN, PROVIDER_ROLE and TENANT_ROLE are place-holders for the actual id's.

Steps for establishing a delegated role:

  • In the provider-domain:
  • Create the role PROVIDER_ROLE as "delegated" to the domain TENANT_DOMAIN.
  • Create various rules for PROVIDER_ROLE as usual.

  • In the tenant-domain:

  • Create role TENANT_ROLE
  • Create this rule:
    • Allow
    • Action=assume_role
    • Role=TENANT_ROLE
  • Assign members to “TENANT_ROLE” as usual.

Use Case: Domain Administration Delegation

A product team has a top level domain called sales with its configured set of administrators. They also have created a subdomain sales.api for the sales API subproduct. Since Athenz subdomains are completely independent, sales.api has its own admin role and set of administrators. However, in the case of sales product these two domains must have the same set of administrators and the product owner does not want to maintain and manage the admin role members in two places. The sales.api domain wants to delegate administration privileges to the parent sales domain.

Step 1: sales.api change: create an admin role for the delegation

Since Athenz does not allow administrators to remove or modify the admin role and policy for a domain, first we're going to create a role that will be delegated to the parent sales domain:

  • Select Add Role link on the left side of the screen underneath the Roles tab name. Select a role type as Delegated and enter the role name and tenant-domain name:

Add Delegated Role

Step 2: sales.api change: create an admin policy for the delegated role

Next we're going to create a new policy that provides the same admin privileges to the delegated sales.admin role. The admin policy uses * for the action and * for the resource.

Add Delegated Policy

Step 3: sales change: create a policy to assume the sales.admin role

Now, the domain administrator for sales domain must agree to assume that role by creating a special policy in its domain. The unique requirements for this policy are the action which must be set to assume_role and the resource which must be set to the full role name ({domain-name}:role.{role-name} format) that is being delegated to this domain. You have a choice to delegate the membership to any of your local roles. In this use case since we want to have a single domain admin role, we're going to delegate the sales.admin role from the sales.api subdomain to the admin role in sales domain.

Add Assume Policy

Step 4: verify delegated role membership in sales.api domain

First, let's check the members of the admin role in the sales domain - it shows two principals as members: user.janedoe and user.johndoe.

Show Admin Role Members

For delegated roles, Athenz Web UI automatically retrieves the members of the role in the tenant-domain that this role is delegated to and displays them as members without the capability to modify the list.

Show Delegated Role Members

Now any sales domain administrator is automatically an administrator of the sales.api subdomain as well.