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Local UI development


In this guide, you will be able to start a local ZMS server and do local ui development from your favorite IDE.


Docker, Make toolchain, Node v14.x, nodemon v2.x


Checkout Athenz from GitHub

git clone

cd into the docker directory

cd docker

Run following command to download ZMS & ZMS DB docker images, and set it up with meaningful defaults for local development:

make prepare-ui-dev-env


If you are using macOS, then the script prints out a command at the end, which you can execute to add the generated self-signed certificate to your login keychain so that you can access Athenz UI in the browser without certificate warning. If you don't want to do that, please follow appropriate instructions for your workstation and / or browser so that you can access Athenz UI in the browser.

Now cd into the ui directory & run npm install to download UI dependencies

cd ../ui
npm install

Once dependencies are downloaded, start the UI server using following

sudo nodemon -r dotenv/config app.js


sudo is required because UI is using privileged port 443.

If you don't have nodemon installed, you can install it using

npm install nodemon -g

Access the UI at https://localhost. For your convenience, local set up uses a TestUserAuthority which accepts any username and password as far as it's a same string. To look at a pre-created "athenz" domain during start up, login with "athenz-admin" as username and password.

Now you can keep the UI instance running in the terminal, make changes to the code using your IDE and UI dev server will reload with your changes.


Clean old artifacts

It is possible for build to fail if Athenz was previously built. To clean old artifacts run: ./

Certificate not trusted error when opening https://localhost

When you open https://localhost you might get a certificate error as the self-signed certificate isn't trusted. To fix it, please follow the steps in Accessing UI